14 Henrietta Street
When you enter 14 Henrietta Street you’ll experience over 300 years of Dublin city life in the walls of one address. Our intimate guided tours bring you on a journey from the houses grand Georgian beginnings to the tenement dwellings of its later years. By connecting to the personal stories of those who called 14 Henrietta Street home the building’s hidden histories are revealed. The stories of the house and street mirror the story of the people of Dublin. See the house, hear its stories and discover the layers of Dublin history within its walls.
14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Paul Tierney)
Back hallway in 14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Paul Tierney)
Darkest Dublin in 14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Marc O'Sullivan)
Detail of Mrs Dowling's flat showing 1960s tenement living. (Photo by Marc O'Sullivan)
Entrance of 14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Paul Tierney)
Graffiti in 14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Donal Corkery)
Musical Memories event in 14 Henrietta Street. (Photo by Ste Murray)