Join and connect with over 44,000 museum professionals in 138 countries.
Become a member
If you are a museum professional or your museum is an institution recognised by ICOM, and you respect the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, you can become an ICOM member.
Regular Individual membership is open to working museums professionals and consultants providing services, knowledge and expertise to museums as their main professional activity.
Active museum volunteers may join depending on their CV and a letter of recommendation from the museum(s) at which they volunteer.
Retired Individual membership is open to individuals who have retired from professional museum work (in an institution or as a consultant), are no longer working in a paid capacity and do not intend to return to paid work.
Please contact the Membership Officer for further details.
Institutional membership is open to museums and institutions in Ireland that comply with the definition of a museum as defined in Article 2.1 of ICOM’s Internal Rules.
It is a great way for your museum to invest in your staff, to benefit from international collaboration and to show your support for the wider museum sector.
Student membership is open to undergraduate, master and PhD students enrolled in a museum-related academic programme – museology, museum studies, museum education, museum management, conservation, art history, or equivalent museum-related subject course.
Membership Card
As an ICOM member, you will receive an ICOM Membership Card which gives you free access to many museums and exhibitions all over the world.
The ICOM Card is one of the most widely-recognised membership programmes for museums in the world and is accepted at thousands of venues.
How to join
Please complete the relevant application form and return to the Membership Officer.
Note: Membership is for a calendar year commencing 1 January.
Privacy Policy: Details on how your personal data is used and protected is available here.