2020 Audience engagement fund

This Scheme is provided by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht and reserved for appropriate not-for-profit small, regional and specialised museums that are not funded by the Arts Council or Fáilte Ireland.

The bodies make a very important contribution to the development and promotion of Ireland’s cultural tourism offering, to the benefit of both the domestic and foreign tourist and represent an important component of the delivery of the cultural tourism commitments in the Programme for Government.

The maximum amount of funding per applicant is proposed to be in the order of €20,000.

The primary focus of the scheme is threefold:

  1. To provide a new approach to re-engaging with audiences, both physical and online.

  2. To provide a new or redeveloped cultural offering from your organisation (note this scheme will not provide for capital equipment).

  3. To improve or develop online resources and social media engagement.

This scheme is for current funding projects and not capital acquisitions or equipment.

Applicants can only make one applications under this Scheme.  Applications may not be for any project for which an application has been made under another Departmental Scheme.

Details of this year’s scheme can be found here. Please use the application form provided below.

Application Form


Statement of solidarity with Lebanon


ICOM’s 35th General Assembly