ICOM WEBINAR | Digital transformation for museums in the time of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and museums began to shut their doors at the beginning of 2020, the need for a digital transformation for cultural institution was brought to the fore.

As an organisation always involved in the challenges that contemporary museums have to face, ICOM chose this topic as the centre of the discussion for the second webinar of our Capacity Building Series it took place on 21 October.

This webinar gathered museum professionals from different countries to review:

  • Digitisation of collections and new opportunities for the publics

  • Museum education and lifelong learning online

  • Developing crucial digital skills and trainings for heritage professionals

  • Generating revenues through digital activities

It is available to view here.

If you missed the first Webinar New challenges for collections and storage areas you can catch up by following the link here.


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