‘Museums and Gender’: New issue of Museum International now online

ICOM is delighted to announce the publication of the latest edition of Museum International on the theme, Museums and Gender.  

Guest edited by Ashley E. Remer, this edition looks at gender issues in museums, how they are intertwined, and the role of museums in a world prioritising gender equality. This issue focuses on gender representation within museum management, operations and trusteeship, and in collections, exhibitions, education and public programmes.

With contributions from Belgium to Barbados and Korea to Kazakhstan, among many others, this issue examines the varying politics of gender between societies and the innovative and provocative ways museums are addressing gender issues under the following categories: Gender Equality, Museum Advocacy and Activism, Gender Representation, and Museum Theory and Tools. We hope that this issue will provide fresh inspiration and provoke further discussion on the topic of museums and gender.

ICOM Ireland members can access the full online issue free of charge through their member space on the ICOM website. Click on “Read Museum International” to start reading. If you have any difficulty logging into the member portal, please contact the Secretary.


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