RE-ORG Canada in Action


To mark International Museum Day 2022 you are invited to attend a special lecture entitled

RE-ORG Canada in Action: Experiences in Museum Storage Reorganisation on 18 May @4pm.

Dealing with collection storage is an important challenge for most museums around the world. Disorganised storage makes it difficult for museums to use their collections for public benefit and community involvement. It also magnifies certain risks and complicates emergency response. The RE-ORG method for reorganising storage was developed in 2011 by ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and UNESCO. From 2014 to 2019, the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) led a national training program that targeted all regions of Canada. Twenty-seven projects were successfully implemented and 60 professionals benefited from the training.

In this lecture, you will hear from Simon Lambert (Manager of Preventive Conservation, CCI), the coordinator of RE-ORG Canada, and from two participants of the program, Carrie Kitzul (Supervisor, Arts and Culture, Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA), Ontario), and Jason MacNeil (Education Officer, Museum and Heritage Foundation, Prince Edward Island).

Details on how to register will follow shortly.


2022 Working Internationally Conference


Grants to support International Museum Day events