Solidarity projects Ukraine: Funded projects

In August 2022, ICOM proposed extraordinary grants to support museums and museum professionals in Ukraine. We are pleased to share with you the successful projects.

The Strategic Allocation Review Committee (SAREC) completed its review of project proposals on 25 November 2022. In total, SAREC received 13 proposals by the closing date (24/10/2022). After careful evaluation, 6 projects were selected for ICOM funding:

  • Digitalization of the archival materials of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” ICOM UK

Project aims at the enhancement of the technical base and safeguarding capacity building of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”. This is achieved through the digitalization of the Preserve’s archive materials kept in its archive and fund collection.

  • Building Resilient Museums and Communities – DRMC

A group of 25 museum workers from small and mid-size museums throughout Ukraine will be trained to build an understanding of trauma and develop resilience tools that can be shared with both fellow museum workers and their communities.

  • Ukrainian Museums at Risk – A 3-stage solution plan trough knowledge, hand’s on and visibility – ICOM Germany

The objectives of this project are divided into 3 parts: Emergency Aid, Knowledge sharing and Strengthening visibility. In direct dialogue with the existing partners in Ukraine and through the experiences of the now more than 6 months of aid deliveries, a very concrete need on the part of Ukrainian museums and professionals could be identified.

  • Integrate and Empower Ukrainian Heritage Communities in Georgia through employment opportunities and awareness raising campaign – ICOM Georgia

ICOM Georgia with this current project, on one hand, seeks to address the issue of professional integration and economic support of Ukrainian refugee women living in Georgia and representing the museum sector. On the other hand, it addresses the lack of information among the Georgian community as well as professional groups regarding the damage to cultural heritage sites and museums across Ukraine and the work of the Ukrainian and European colleagues to document the damages, salvage and safeguard heritage sites and objects from further damage.

  • Recording and designing the methodology for preserving the history of the life and activities of the museum during the Russian full-scale war against Ukraine on the example of the Khanenko Museum – ICOM Ukraine

In the conditions of a full-scale war, it is very important to record the events that are happening here and now. It has to be preserved and systematized for communication with colleagues, partners and consumers of museum products around the world.

  • The museums of Balakliia and Izyum: evacuation, protection, recovery – ICOM Ukraine

From the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, Izyum and Balakliia (Kharkiv Region) were under constant bombardments, as a result of which the museums of local lore both in Izyum and Balakliia suffered significant damages. According to the experts, both collections need to be immediately moved to the safe place (it will be determined by separate orders of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine), where conditions will be created for the arrangement, priority conservation and restoration of objects from museum collections, as well as digitization of the collections and documentation of processes. The latter will make it possible to fix the algorithm, which will be analyzed and transformed into methodical recommendations for such cases.

ICOM is honoured to contribute in this way to the implementation of our network’s solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues in a very difficult situation.


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