Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU’s Partner Countries
In May 2020, the Cultural Relations Platform launched a study to analyse and assess the impact of the global pandemic on the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) in partner countries – the Neighbourhood (South and East), the Western Balkans, and the Strategic partners – and on their capacity and willingness to conduct international relations.
The study is divided in five chapters as follows:
An assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the CCS in partner countries;
An analysis of the policy responses put in place by state and non-state actors;
A set of case studies which offers a short overview of the impact of COVID-19 and a description of policy responses in eight countries: Ukraine, Serbia, Morocco, Tunisia, United States, Brazil, China and India;
A short analysis of the digitization process operating in the cultural sector in all partner countries;
A conclusion on the support to international cultural relations during the COVID-19 pandemic