National Heritage Week 2020

The Heritage Council has announced plans for a modified National Heritage Week, taking into account ongoing restrictions on events and gatherings due to COVID-19.

Rather than focusing on the organisation of in-person public events, local heritage groups and organisers, families and communities are being invited to develop projects around this year’s theme of ‘Heritage and Education: Learning from our Heritage’. Coordinated by the Heritage Council since 2005, National Heritage Week has become one of Ireland’s largest cultural events, and will run this year from Saturday, 15th – Sunday, 23rd August.

The new approach is designed to promote the sharing of experience and knowledge. Expressions of interest and project ideas should be submitted to, and be carried out throughout June and July. Projects should be completed in time for National Heritage Week when they will be showcased. Accepted formats for showcasing may vary from online talks or exhibitions, to a video, podcast, slideshow presentation or blog, to media coverage, a dedicated website or moderated social media account, or by means of small, restricted social gatherings, which comply with official public health advice. All projects submitted will be considered for a Heritage Week Award.

For more information, visit


2019 ICOM Annual Report published


ICOM General Assembly 2020