Consultations | Museum definition and Code of Ethics
ICOM will be engaging its Members in two participatory processes that will shape the museum of the future: the revision of the museum definition and the review of the ICOM Code of Ethics.
After the success of the ICOM Define webinar on 10 December 2020, the Standing Committee for the Museum Definition is pleased to announce the beginning of the third step of the Methodology: Consultation 2, a phase which will be conducted between January 11 and April 11 2021.
During this period, all Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations are requested to consult with their membership on what a new museum definition needs to contain. Based on these discussions, each committee will fill an online form (one per NC, IC, RA, AO), submitting up to 20 key words/concepts that are considered essential within a new museum definition.
All Chairs of ICOM’s NC, IC, RA and AO will receive a letter with detailed information about this process, together with the link to the online form.
We encourage ICOM members to ask to their respective committees about this consultation, in order to ensure a participatory process.
The results will be analysed, published on the member space together with a complete report and will be the base material for the following steps of the Methodology, organised by ICOM Define.